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Calçotada: The Ultimate Food Adventure Every Foodie Must Try – Click for Details!

28 jun 2023

Calçotada: The Ultimate Food Adventure Every Foodie Must Try – Click for Details!

Discover the tantalizing world of Calçotada, a vibrant Catalan tradition celebrating food and camaraderie. Indulge in the sweet delight of grilled calçots dipped in exquisite romesco sauce. Explore sizzling sausages, luscious lamb, and delectable side dish delights that elevate this feast to new heights. Embark on a culinary adventure filled with laughter, aromas, and unforgettable flavors. Join us on this captivating journey and unlock the power of food to create lasting memories.
“La Calçotada” a new dutch tradition coming from Barcelona

13 may 2021

“La Calçotada” una nueva tradición holandesa procedente de Barcelona

La Calçotada es la tradición gastronómica más popular de Barcelona durante la primera parte del año. En Barcelona y e...

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